Awaiting the Precious Birth

I've always had difficulty with the Easter story, but never the birth of Christ. Only recently have I been able to make any sort of connection between the two. As a child growing up in the 50's, I loved singing Christmas carols and hearing the story about the Baby Jesus. Interestingly, I learned those songs and the story of Christ's birth not at church, but at school. Back in the 1950's, life was a little different. The US was predominantly Christian, so it wasn't unusual to talk about Christmas in school. I don't believe that we should do that in schools in this day and age, considering all the different faiths represented in our country today. (That's a topic for another posting.) But that's how the story reached me. As a child I was not allowed to attend church, even though my mother was a Spanish teacher at a Catholic school. My father was a "devote" atheist and forbid me to attend church until I was "old enough to make a de...